Muslim brothers in the White House
You have got to be the single dumbest person to ever sit behind that desk.
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) argued, “if you’re Commander-in-Chief you can’t be listening to Muslim brother advice when it’s time to stop destroying Muslim brothers.”
In 2012, Gohmert joined a small group of conservative lawmakers led by Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) to demand that the Inspectors General of four government agencies investigate “deep penetration” by the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S. government.
Gohmert, who had previously claimed that the organization also caused the administration to bungle the investigation into the 2013 Boston bombings, went on to argue that “six top advisers to President Obama are Muslim brothers.” “These are the advisers who have opened doors for them to the president himself,” he said. “This is the kind of stuff that has to stop if we’re really going to deal with radical Islam.”
Daily Kos - America's Dumbest Congressman revives his 'Muslim brothers in the White House' theory
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